
Via Aristotele Fioravanti, Bologna

Type: intero Appartamenti
Prezzo €2500
A disposizione 22-04-2024
indirizzo Via Aristotele Fioravanti
proprietà della casa/td> 80 m²
Codice Postale 40129
città Bologna

This accommodation consists of two separate but adjacent apartments, rented together as one unit. One of the apartments does not have a kitchen, so by combining them, you have a complete apartment. Access is shared from the condominium, but there are two doors separating the two units. The first apartment is a studio apartment featuring a hallway with a dining area, a bathroom with a spacious kitchen, and a double bedroom. The second apartment is a one-bedroom apartment with a living area equipped with a fully equipped kitchen, a sofa bed, a dining table, a bathroom with a shower, and a double...

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Via Aristotele Fioravanti